Press Relations

At oui L'agence, we develop outreach campaigns both with traditional media and with influencers. From strategy to execution, including our privileged relationships and innovative ideas; we set up personalized and targeted campaigns, in line with the biggest projects of our clients.

We also offer our clients comprehensive support in the creation and management of media events. From creative design to coordination with suppliers, we are in a position to set up a wide variety of events to promote our clients to traditional media and content creators. To ensure the success of the KPIs established at the beginning of the mandate, at oui L'agence, we use the PEMMC system, which is the industry standard for measuring and evaluating acquired media. Led by the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) and with support from Fifth Story, the platform is the standard for measuring earned, paid, shared, and owned media. It is used by thousands of public relations professionals across Canada.

Development of press relations campaigns
Copywriting and distribution of press releases
Creation of press and media lists
Press mailings
Media coverage and clipping monitoring
Influencer marketing campaigns
Targeted influencer research
Creating customized approaches
Négociation des contrats
Recommandation de budget
Compilation des données et analyse des résultats
Étude de cas
Institut Esthederm
Age Proteom event in Toronto

The event in a few figures:

  • 17 media present at the event
  • 1.4M+ estimated impressions
  • 30 pieces of content published following the event

Following the successful events organized in 2023 to launch Age Proteom innovation in Quebec, oui L'agence was responsible for setting up a third event, this time for the launch of the Age Proteom in Toronto, which took place in two distinct parts.

The first segment was an immersive media brunch, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with a snow-themed atmosphere in an enchanting winter setting. The objective was to transport guests into the Age Proteom universe while educating them on the science behind the product.

Then, an event from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. brought together clinic directors to present the science and medicinal aspects of this innovation, as well as the history of the research behind it.

Les Enfants Terribles
The launch event

The event in a few figures:

    • 12,806,000 impressions in traditional media
    • 11 articles in traditional media
    • 122 guests received during the media event
    • 159+ pieces of content created during the event
    • 4,816,234 social media impressions

The team at the restaurant Les Enfants Terribles mandated oui L'agence to set up a media event for the official launch of its restaurant at Place Ville Marie, thus inaugurating the brand's new location and its new interior design.

oui L'agence therefore organized a memorable happy hour on April 17, 2024. oui L'agence contacted numerous Quebec personalities and content creators in order to take part in this exclusive event.

This evening brought together an exceptional group of influencers, thus introducing Les Enfants Terribles as the ideal place for an elegant and gourmet happy hour, with the most beautiful view of Montreal, at the foot of the PVM Ring.

The influencer marketing campaign

Maxi asked oui L'agence to orchestrate his first influencer marketing campaign. This annual campaign consisted of three distinct operations with specific objectives.

The first campaign aimed to reinforce the credibility and the fresh image of the meats available at Maxi, while highlighting their quality, unbeatable prices and local origin, in order to encourage purchases. The results obtained for this campaign were as follows:

  • 4 collaborations with influencers
  • 15 pieces of content
  • 1,553,075 impressions
  • 2.37% engagement rate

The second and third campaigns consisted of increasing the credibility of Maxi's local product offer, promoting the variety of local products, from the freshness of local fruits and vegetables, to ending with Maxi's unbeatable low prices. For these two campaigns, we got:

  • 4 collaborations with influencers
  • 20 pieces of content
  • 343,246 impressions
  • 1.79% engagement rate

Fondation Les Petits Rois
The traditional press relations campaign

The campaign in a few points:

  • 14 publications in traditional media (TV, online, radio, French and English media)
  • 13,537,500 impressions

The Les Petits Rois Foundation mandated oui L'agence to set up a traditional press relations campaign, in collaboration with the city of Montreal.

The objectives of this offensive were to:

  • Promote the launch of the Maison Intelligente in the Quebec landscape, through the presence of traditional media at the press conference (February 2024).
  • Secure post event press coverage and continue to highlight the uniqueness of this Maison Intelligente at the cutting edge of technology.
  • Highlight the missions of Les Petits Rois Foundation.

oui L'agence therefore contacted numerous traditional media in order to arouse the interest of various media and to reach a large audience. These media thus had the opportunity, through their platforms, to highlight the Maison Intelligente.

Les Fraîches du Québec
The summer 2023 campaign

The campaign in a few points:

  • 59 influencers collaborated on the campaigns
  • 184 pieces of content generated
  • 45 media coverage
  • 41.6M potential impressions

The press relations campaign for Les Fraîches du Québec was carried out in several parts during the summer using influencer marketing campaigns and offensives with traditional media. The general objectives were to increase the reputation of Les Fraîches du Québec, to position and promote autumn berries and to promote the second edition of the Festifraîches festival.

The first part of the campaign consisted in promoting the pick-your-own of strawberries and raspberries across the province. To do this, oui L'agence set up a paid influencer campaign and coordinated a gifting operation with several influencers located across the various regions of Quebec.

The second part of the campaign for Les Fraîches du Québec was designed in collaboration with Chocolats Favoris. To properly celebrate the summer season, packages filled with delicious ingredients were sent to several influencers.

Finally, the third part of the campaign focused on the second edition of the Festifraîches. In order to increase the reputation of this festival, oui L'agence proposed a paid campaign on site with influencers and an offensive with traditional media.

Festival M.A.D.
The 2023 edition campaign

The campaign in a few points:

  • 199 pieces of content generated
  • 16,819,400 potential range
  • 67 articles in traditional media
  • 110 people present at the launch event

The M.A.D Festival team commissioned oui L'agence to set up a traditional and 2.0 press relations campaign to promote its 2023 edition.

This campaign was composed of various offensives, including sending press releases, sending invitations to the media, influencers for the launch cocktail of the festivities and ensuring the management of paid partnerships.

The objectives of this campaign:

  • Promote the 2023 edition of the M.A.D festival through Quebec media.
  • Announce the new identity of the festival.
  • Emphasize the diversity of its programming and the types of shows/parades offered.
  • Create enthusiasm for the festival and the announcement of the new MAD Shoppe platform.

Before and during the festival, oui L'agence has contacted numerous relevant traditional media as well as influencers who were invited to take part in the festival, in exchange for visibility among their audiences, inviting them to learn about the festival's programming and to participate in it!

Any ideas?
It's always worth talking about.
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Spontaneous application?
Who does not try anything has nothing!
5425 Bordeaux Street,
suite 234
Montreal Quebec H2H 2P9
Institut Esthederm
Age Proteom event in Toronto

The event in a few figures:

  • 17 media present at the event
  • 1.4M+ estimated impressions
  • 30 pieces of content published following the event

Following the successful events organized in 2023 to launch Age Proteom innovation in Quebec, oui L'agence was responsible for setting up a third event, this time for the launch of the Age Proteom in Toronto, which took place in two distinct parts.

The first segment was an immersive media brunch, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., with a snow-themed atmosphere in an enchanting winter setting. The objective was to transport guests into the Age Proteom universe while educating them on the science behind the product.

Then, an event from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. brought together clinic directors to present the science and medicinal aspects of this innovation, as well as the history of the research behind it.

Les Enfants Terribles
The launch event

The event in a few figures:

    • 12,806,000 impressions in traditional media
    • 11 articles in traditional media
    • 122 guests received during the media event
    • 159+ pieces of content created during the event
    • 4,816,234 social media impressions

The team at the restaurant Les Enfants Terribles mandated oui L'agence to set up a media event for the official launch of its restaurant at Place Ville Marie, thus inaugurating the brand's new location and its new interior design.

oui L'agence therefore organized a memorable happy hour on April 17, 2024. oui L'agence contacted numerous Quebec personalities and content creators in order to take part in this exclusive event.

This evening brought together an exceptional group of influencers, thus introducing Les Enfants Terribles as the ideal place for an elegant and gourmet happy hour, with the most beautiful view of Montreal, at the foot of the PVM Ring.

The influencer marketing campaign

Maxi asked oui L'agence to orchestrate his first influencer marketing campaign. This annual campaign consisted of three distinct operations with specific objectives.

The first campaign aimed to reinforce the credibility and the fresh image of the meats available at Maxi, while highlighting their quality, unbeatable prices and local origin, in order to encourage purchases. The results obtained for this campaign were as follows:

  • 4 collaborations with influencers
  • 15 pieces of content
  • 1,553,075 impressions
  • 2.37% engagement rate

The second and third campaigns consisted of increasing the credibility of Maxi's local product offer, promoting the variety of local products, from the freshness of local fruits and vegetables, to ending with Maxi's unbeatable low prices. For these two campaigns, we got:

  • 4 collaborations with influencers
  • 20 pieces of content
  • 343,246 impressions
  • 1.79% engagement rate

Fondation Les Petits Rois
The traditional press relations campaign

The campaign in a few points:

  • 14 publications in traditional media (TV, online, radio, French and English media)
  • 13,537,500 impressions

The Les Petits Rois Foundation mandated oui L'agence to set up a traditional press relations campaign, in collaboration with the city of Montreal.

The objectives of this offensive were to:

  • Promote the launch of the Maison Intelligente in the Quebec landscape, through the presence of traditional media at the press conference (February 2024).
  • Secure post event press coverage and continue to highlight the uniqueness of this Maison Intelligente at the cutting edge of technology.
  • Highlight the missions of Les Petits Rois Foundation.

oui L'agence therefore contacted numerous traditional media in order to arouse the interest of various media and to reach a large audience. These media thus had the opportunity, through their platforms, to highlight the Maison Intelligente.

Les Fraîches du Québec
The summer 2023 campaign

The campaign in a few points:

  • 59 influencers collaborated on the campaigns
  • 184 pieces of content generated
  • 45 media coverage
  • 41.6M potential impressions

The press relations campaign for Les Fraîches du Québec was carried out in several parts during the summer using influencer marketing campaigns and offensives with traditional media. The general objectives were to increase the reputation of Les Fraîches du Québec, to position and promote autumn berries and to promote the second edition of the Festifraîches festival.

The first part of the campaign consisted in promoting the pick-your-own of strawberries and raspberries across the province. To do this, oui L'agence set up a paid influencer campaign and coordinated a gifting operation with several influencers located across the various regions of Quebec.

The second part of the campaign for Les Fraîches du Québec was designed in collaboration with Chocolats Favoris. To properly celebrate the summer season, packages filled with delicious ingredients were sent to several influencers.

Finally, the third part of the campaign focused on the second edition of the Festifraîches. In order to increase the reputation of this festival, oui L'agence proposed a paid campaign on site with influencers and an offensive with traditional media.

Festival M.A.D.
The 2023 edition campaign

The campaign in a few points:

  • 199 pieces of content generated
  • 16,819,400 potential range
  • 67 articles in traditional media
  • 110 people present at the launch event

The M.A.D Festival team commissioned oui L'agence to set up a traditional and 2.0 press relations campaign to promote its 2023 edition.

This campaign was composed of various offensives, including sending press releases, sending invitations to the media, influencers for the launch cocktail of the festivities and ensuring the management of paid partnerships.

The objectives of this campaign:

  • Promote the 2023 edition of the M.A.D festival through Quebec media.
  • Announce the new identity of the festival.
  • Emphasize the diversity of its programming and the types of shows/parades offered.
  • Create enthusiasm for the festival and the announcement of the new MAD Shoppe platform.

Before and during the festival, oui L'agence has contacted numerous relevant traditional media as well as influencers who were invited to take part in the festival, in exchange for visibility among their audiences, inviting them to learn about the festival's programming and to participate in it!